Conclave 2024

Conclave 2024 went great! We had 14 DeMolays attend with the installation of a new DeMolay and two Squires. We had 12 competitions for the DeMolays to participate in and the winner received a banner award. The 2024 schedule of events

Read each section to learn more!

Chevalier Investiture

The Chevalier Investiture commenced on July 13th at 1:30pm. Two DeMolays in attendance were awarded the honor.

DeMolays Apollo Stafford and Christian Hinson were presented the Chevalier Honor and knighted by Dad Finley.

Brother Hinson being knighted by Dad Finley

Brother Stafford being knighted by Dad Finley

Giving obligation all Chevalier’s give

After being presented with Medallion

Brother Hinson being presented his Chevelier ring.

Brother Stafford receiving his medallion from his mom.

Legion of Honor Investiture

The Legion of Honor Investiture commenced on July 13th at 2:00pm. Dad Hinson was awarded the highest honor conferred by DeMolay International. It’s conferred on a Senior DeMolay for outstanding leadership in some field of endeavor or for success in fraternal life, including adult service to DeMolay.

State Priory Installation

This year DeMolays eligible to be initiated into the Priory had an Initiation at 10pm on Thursday. We initiated eight DeMolay into the State Priory.

Illustrious Knight Commander Apollo Stafford

Squire Commander Hunter Dawson

Page Commander Mason Barlow

Prior Triston Littles

Preceptor Robert Johnston

Senior Deacon Will Francis

Junior Deacon Mason Bryan

Sacristan Andrew Hall

Priory members during Pledge of allegiance

State Officer Installation

We had our 2024-2024 State Officers installed at 7pm. We had elected the State Master Councilor Will Francis, State Senior Councilor Christian Hinson, and State Junior Councilor Robert Johnson at our State Meeting on Friday at noon. The State Master Councilor appointed Apollo Stafford for Scribe.

Pictures Described:

State Master Elect taking obligation

State Master Councilor being collared

State Master Councilor being collared p2

State Master Councilor Elect crowned

State Senior and Junior Councilor taking obligation

State Senior and Junior Councilor being collared.

State Scribe installation

State Scribe being collared

State Master Councilor in the West

Exchanging of Gavel to State Master Councilor


DeMolay Competition Winners

Apollo and Jaylin from Joppa

Apollo from Joppa

Nate and Drew from Notre Dame

Hunter Mason Jacob from Joppa

Triston from Joppa

Apollo, Jaylin and Hunter from Joppa

Jacob from Joppa

Squires Competition Winners

Jett from Olive Branch

Darden from Notre Dame

Darden from Notre Dame

Jett from Olive Branch

Jett from Olive Branch

Assorted Photos

Group DeMolay Installation photo

Initiate and his family with State Officers

DeMolay Obligation actors

DeMolay Initiation group photo

DeMolays and Advisors

Funny photo

Notre Dame Chapter